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About Sree Jeeveswara Yogi

Parama Pujya Sree Jeeveswara Yogi was born with Awakened Kundalini. In his childhood, when he went to Srisailam for Siva darsan, he unknowingly meets his Guru for the first time which changes his life forever. He once went into deep Samadhi in his school during meditation class. He practiced intense sadhana before attaining self-realization in early stages of his life. When he wanted to undergo Jeeva Samadhi at a very young age, his Guru directed him to teach this divine sadhana to humanity. Then, he renounced his blooming professional career and decided to dedicate his life to teach Siva Kundalini Sadhana to all.

He kept immense efforts on simplifying and optimizing the sadhana methodology to make it easier and more effective for common people to learn and practice. Leading a very humble family life, he is teaching Siva Kundalini Sadhana to thousands of people. He organized the course content in such a way that anyone, whether he is new to meditation or has many years of practice, can take the course and get utmost benefits at each level of the course.

Sree Jeeveswara Yogi

Why Siva Kundalini Sadhana

There are many yogic practices in India which can help a person attain self-realization. However, there are quite a few of them which can be practiced by everyone in all walks of life and without any restrictions. Siva Kundalini Sadhana is a Unique course which lets the sadhak experience higher states like Samadhi in a very short time which otherwise takes several years of sadhana. Using this sadhana one can awaken their Kundalini Energy and activate the Chakras.

Entering into Sushumna nadi is one of the most difficult achievements for a sadhak. Many yogis spend many years in intense sadhana to get to this state. In Siva Kundalini Sadhana, with the grace of Parama Pujya Sree Jeeveswara Yogi, one can not just enter into Sushumna nadi instantly but can also be in that state throughout the day.

Sadhaks can solve all their problems as most of them are related to any one of the 7 Chakras. Siva Kundalini Sadhana is a path that can take you from connecting with the creator to transforming yourselves into the creator. This Divine Knowledge and experience is of immense value which cannot be paid. Hence it is offered Free of cost.

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About Siva Kundalini Sadhana Course

There are 7 Levels in total for the course. First 4 levels are offered online by Pujya Gurudev. From Level 5 onwards the course is offered under direct supervision of Pujya Gurudev Sree Jeeveswara Yogi in Siva Kundalini Ashram.

Level-1: Brahma Randra Opening

In this level, you will learn how to open Brahma randhra. The moment it opens, the Cosmic Energy enters into the body and awakens the Kundalini. Then Kundalini Energy along with Cosmic Energy heals at all levels including physically, psychologically, and spiritually.

Level-2: Awakening the Sushumna Nadi

Of total 72,000 Nadis in our body, three Nadis are of great importance, they are Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. Sushumna Nadi has 3 sub-nadis, they are Vajrini, Chitrini, and Brahma Nadi. Entering into the Brahma Nadi of Sushumna is of great importance in Kundalini Yoga. In this Level, you will learn how to awaken that.

Level-3: Awakening and Cleansing of 7 Chakras

Of total 114 Chakras in our body, 7 Chakras are very important. They are Mooladhara, Swadhishtha, Manipooraka, Anahata, Vishuddi, Ajna, and Sahasrara. In this Level, you will learn how to awaken and cleanse all these Chakras.

Level-4: Moving the awakened Kundalini Energy from Mooladhara to Sahasrara

In this level, you will learn how to move the awakened Kundalini Energy from Mooladhara to Sahasrara to unlock the true potential of Human life.

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Pujya Gurudev Sri Jeeveswara Yogi, has been on a mission (since 2017) to teach the Siva Kundalini Sadhana, a powerful yet simple meditation practice for free of cost. This divine wisdom has been offered for free for more than 1 lakh practitioners, who have been experiencing immense joy and bliss. Support Gurudev and his divine mission to transform millions of lives, who are suffering from health, relationship or financial problems and have been looking for a way out.

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Some experiences of those who attended Siva Kundalini Sadhana programs.

Ramananda SwamiSanyasi, Badrinath

I spent many years in Himalayas and travelled across India in pursuit of Moksha. I met many Siddha Gurus and realized that even though they have so many powers they themselves are not liberated. Only a self-experienced person can guide others to the path of liberation. When I heard of Guru Sree Jeeveswara Yogi I immediately rushed down to meet him. I experienced him as one of the rarest Advaitha Shaktipath Guru and we cannot find one like him anywhere else in this era. He is abundantly capable, willing to impart his powers and is also making others attain higher spiritual states like Samadhi. I strongly believe that he can take me to the path of my liberation. This is a true miracle on earth, I feel so blessed and fortunate to have found him and I have decided to dedicate my life to him.

Mrs. Rajya LakshmiRetd. Teacher

Parama Pujya Sree Jeeveswara Yogi is none the less than Dakshinamurthy himself disguised as a common man incarnated to uplift ignorant people like us with boundless Compassion. We might have made great Punya in our past lives which lead us to learn such a wonderful sadhana today. To describe his greatness it is as difficult as trying to hold an ocean in a small vessel. He is Shiva himself. He is always working hard to transform us into enlightened beings, into Shiva. He experiments with the techniques on himself first before he teaches us to make sure what he teaches is working nothing less than 100% and is safe.

Mr. Suresh Kalimahanthi IT, USA.

I have read a lot of books on Kundalini and many Upanishads. However, there is only a mention of how to do and what to do in them. There is no one to teach the same to you practically. Sree Jeeveswara Yogi is imparting that practical knowledge whole heartedly without expecting anything from us. Guruji�s intention is that everyone should get the knowledge from him and become like him. Only Shiva can do like that. To transform us like Shiva, Shiva himself sent Guruji. I learnt how to take the energy, pass it and how to be in Samadhi states. I keep practicing the sadhana so that I can be in Samadhi state always.

Mr. Sai PrasadDirector, Microsoft India

When I attended Level 1 class, in the first instance I felt I came to a realized Guru. After that my life has transformed. In Level 3 there is a technique called Bhuta shuddhi, I tried to test how it works with some electronic instruments. After I did the process taught by Guruji my swadhistana chakra got balanced 100% which was only 30% before. When our experience is backed with scientific proof it becomes authentic and genuine. Once I tasted Samadhi state I want to be in that state all through the day in all activities I do. Guruji can give any amount of energy but how much we can receive depends only on us. He is accessible and he can guide us. In just 4 months of my journey I could experience Samadhi state.

Mrs. Vijaya LakshmiYoga Teacher

Guruji has such a great patience and love that he cares so much about the sadhaks while teaching, just like a mother. I am able to sit in meditation for around 5-6 hours sometimes and go into Samadhi states. There is a profound transformation in me and I feel a lot of bliss inside and became calmer. I cannot thank enough our Guru for blessing me with such a wonderful and divine experience. He always makes sure every sadhak is practicing the techniques properly and takes their feedback constantly.

Dr. Rajasekhar ReddyPharma Professional

Shiva has incarnated as a human being here among us as Pujya Sree Jeeveswara Yogi to help each one of us realize that we are not mere human beings but the forms of Shiva. Even after several years of my study on spiritual literature I had no practical experience. Now I could feel my astral body while doing sadhana and am able to sit in Samadhi state where I am totally unaware of this physical world.

Contact Us

You can reach out on the given Whatsapp number/Email for queries/suggestions and details on how to join the classes.

Email :                              Whatsapp : +91 78010 46111   

Ashram Location

Siva Kundalini Ashram, Shamshabad, Malkaram, Next to KBR cricket ground, Telangana - 509217

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